Sunday, April 18, 2010

Archaeologist Sees Proof for Bible in Ancient Wall

JERUSALEM – An Israeli archaeologist said Monday that ancient
fortifications recently excavated in Jerusalem date back 3,000 years
to the time of King Solomon and support the biblical narrative about
the era.

If the age of the wall is correct, the finding would be an indication
that Jerusalem was home to a strong central government that had the
resources and manpower needed to build massive fortifications in the
10th century B.C.

That's a key point of dispute among scholars, because it would match
the Bible's account that the Hebrew kings David and Solomon ruled from
Jerusalem around that time.

While some Holy Land archaeologists support that version of history —
including the archaeologist behind the dig, Eilat Mazar — others posit
that David's monarchy was largely mythical and that there was no
strong government to speak of in that era.

Speaking to reporters at the site Monday, Mazar, from the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, called her find "the most significant
construction we have from First Temple days in Israel."

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