An unforgettable moment that almost every Informed Believer, with a Christian biblical heritage, never forgets is the moment he or she became aware of the differences between the Jewish Yeshua and the Roman Jesus. It is a shocking experience, to say the least. The Jewish Yeshua was the person that lived in the first century CE and some of his teachings are recorded in the Synoptic Gospels – Matthew, Mark & Luke. The Roman Jesus is a theological creation of Gentile Christians, who were heavily influenced by Roman Emperors and the pre-Christian pagan beliefs of generations of Gentile church leaders. Who the Roman Jesus was and what he required of his followers fluctuated from time to time; depending on who was in charge of the church. In the famous 4th century CE conflict between two Alexandrian church leaders, Arius and Athanasius, the Roman Church first ruled that Athanasius was correct, reversed its position in favor or Arius for a while, and then reversed it again back to Athanasius. The status of their followers changed from orthodox believers to lost heretics without any changes in their individual beliefs. Changing the “official standard” for determining who is saved or damned has been repeated many times throughout the history of Christianity. However, the constant factor found almost universally among the different standards of salvation is that they all require adherence to the “correct beliefs,” which is determined by a religious institution.
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